June 18, 2015 - Regular Meeting
Invocation (Dan Sikes) Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order1. Attendance Minutes: Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Johnna McKinnon, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant.
2. Chairman's Statement Minutes: Mrs. McKinnon read a statement of clarification regarding the June 8 Special Meeting when two board members walked out claiming the meeting was illegal because it had not been properly advertised. Mrs. McKinnon stated for the record that the meeting was properly advertised and that both current attorney Dan Sikes and previous attorney Bruce Bickner both had similar opinions about the advertising requirements.
Consent AgendaSuperintendent
3. C-1 Minutes of Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on May 21, 2015Attachment: 06-18-15 Minutes-Reg Mtg 5-21-15.pdf Attachment: 06-18-15 Disciplinary Minutes-2015 May 21.pdf (Confidential Item) Deputy Superintendent
4. C-2 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2014-2015Attachment: 2014-2015 Allocation Changes.pdf 5. C-3 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2015-2016Attachment: Allocations 2015-2016 Changes.pdf 6. C-3A Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and DES of Florida, LLCAttachment: 6-18-15 DES LPO Clay 2015 Programmer.analyst.pdf Instruction
7. C-6 AirWatch Professional Development Agreement with MobileMind Technologies, LLCAttachment: AirWatch Prof. Development Agreement.pdf 8. C-7 Request Permission for CEB Track Team to travel overnight to compete in the AAU Jr. Olympics Regional Qualifer Track MeetAttachment: CEB Tallahassee AAU Field Trip.pdf 9. C-8 Agreement between the School Board of Clay County, Florida, through Middleburg High School and VyStar Credit UnionAttachment: VyStar-MHS Agreement.pdf 10. C-9 Student Travel - FIH Spanish and Debate TeamsAttachment: June 2015 - Student Travel.pdf 11. C-10 Request Approval of Contract Addendum to the FOCUS Learning Management SystemAttachment: FOCUS LMS Activation.pdf 12. C-11 Lutheran Services Contract AmendmentAttachment: Lutheran Services Contract Amendment.pdf 13. C-12 Interagency Agreement for cost sharing expenses between Clay Behavioral Health Center and the School Board of Clay County.Attachment: CBHC Cost Sharing.pdf 14. C-13 Interagency Integrated Services Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center.Attachment: 4.51 Human Groth Hormone.pdf Attachment: CBHC IA INTEGRATED SERVICES 2015-16.pdf 15. C-14 Interagency Integrated Services agreement between School Board of Clay County and Youth Crisis Center, Inc. JacksonvilleAttachment: YCC Agreement.pdf 16. C-15 Interagency Agreement between YMCA, Take Stock in Children and the School Board of Clay CountyAttachment: YMCA 2015-2016.pdf 17. C-16 Memorandum of Agreement between the Florida Department of Health, Baker County Health Department and the School Board of Clay CountyAttachment: 2015 - 2018 Dental Clinic MOA.pdf 18. C-17 Interagency Integrated Services agreement between School Board of Clay County and Right Path Behavioral Health Services, LLCAttachment: Right Path.pdf 19. C-18 Memorandum of Understanding between the School Board of Clay County and the Department of HealthAttachment: CCHD MOA 2015-16 flu mist.pdf 20. C-19 School Health Services Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Health, and Clay County Health DepartmentAttachment: CCHD MOA 2015-16.pdf Business Affairs
21. C-20 Budget Amendments for the Month of May, 2015Attachment: budget cover sheet(impact stmt).pdf Attachment: Budget Amendments.pdf 22. C-21 Approval of Petty Cash and Change Fund checks for Cafeteria Managers, Food & Nutrition Services Coordinators and Food and Nutrition Services Director for the 2015/2016 School YearAttachment: Petty Cash-Change Funds for 2015-2016 School Year.pdf 23. C-22 Monthly Property Report - May, 2015 - Furniture/EquipmentAttachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-May, 15.pdf 24. C-23 Monthly Property Report - May, 2015 - AV MaterialsAttachment: Audiovisual Report-May, 15.pdf 25. C-24 Monthly Property Report - May, 2015 - SoftwareAttachment: Software Report-May, 15.pdf 26. C-25 Monthly Property Report - May, 2015 - VehiclesAttachment: Vehicles Report-May, 15.pdf 27. C-26 Deletion of Certain Items Report - June, 2015Attachment: Deletion Report-June, 15.pdf 28. C-27 Approve Write-Off of "Missing" Property Items for FY 2014-15Attachment: Missing Property Items FY 2014-15.pdf Attachment: Missing Property Items FY 2014-15 (Attachment).pdf 29. C-28 Warrants and Vouchers for May 2015Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS MAY 2015.pdf 30. C-29 Bid to Be Awarded June 2015 31. C-30 Bid Renewals June 2015 32. C-31 Virtual Instruction Providers and Contractors 33. C-32 Monthly Financial Report for May, 2015Attachment: PAGE 1 MONTHLY FINANCIAL-Sum Cash MAY 2015.pdf Attachment: PAGE 2 MONTHLY FINANCIAL GREV MAY2015.pdf Attachment: PAGE 3 MONTHLY FIN GREXP MAY,2015.pdf Attachment: PAGE 4 MONTHLY FINANCIAL DSREVEXP MAY,2015.pdf Attachment: PAGE 5 Capital Projects 2015.pdf Attachment: PAGE 6 Capital Projects By Project MAY,2015.pdf Attachment: PAGE 7 MONTHLY FIN FOOD SERVICE MAY, 2015.pdf Attachment: PAGE 8 MONTHLY FIN SPREV42X MAY, 2015.pdf Attachment: PAGE 9 MONTHLY FIN ARRA-SPREV43X MAY 2015.pdf Attachment: PAGE 10 MONTHLY FINANCIAL INSURANCE MAY, 2015.pdf 34. C-33 Write-off uncollectible checks at schools Support Services
35. C-34 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Middleburg High School Flooring ReplacementAttachment: MBHS Flooring Replacement CO 1.pdf 36. C-36 Pre-Qualification of ContractorsAttachment: Contractor List 6,18,15.pdf 37. C-37 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Keystone Heights High School HVAC Replacement Building 1Attachment: CO 1 KHH HVAC Replace.pdf 38. C-38 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for S. Bryan Jennings Elementary School HVAC Replacement Buildings 1, 2 & 3Attachment: CO 1 SBJ HVAC Replace.pdf 39. C-39 Deductive Change Order #2 (Direct Purchasing) for Orange Park High School Smoke Corridor Building 1, Phase IAttachment: CO 2 OPH Smoke Corridor.pdf 40. C-40 Deductive Change Order #2 (Direct Purchasing) for Orange Park High School Roof Replacement Buildings 19, 20, 21, 22 & 27Attachment: CO 2 OPH Roof Replace.pdf 41. C-41 Additive Change Order #3 for Orange Park High School Roof Replacement Buildings 19, 20, 21, 22 & 27Attachment: CO 3 OPH Roof Replace.pdf 42. C-42 Appraisal, Survey and Offer for a portion of Montclair Elementary School PropertyAttachment: Appraisal, MCE Property.pdf Attachment: Survey, MCE Property.pdf Attachment: Offer, MCE Property.pdf Attachment: Closing Costs, MCE.pdf 43. C-43 Conveyance by Sale of a Portion of Montclair Elementary SchoolAttachment: Resolution MCE land sale.pdf Attachment: Contract MCE.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda44. Adoption of Consent Agenda Minutes: Consent Items C-4, C-5 and C-35 were moved to Discussion.
Motions: | Approve the Consent agenda with the exception of Items C-4, C-5, and C-35 that were moved to Discussion. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Motion Minutes: Speakers from the Audience:
- Tracy Butler spoke about Item C-3A
- Fred Gottshalk spoke about Item C-13
- Gwen Shangle spoke about Item C-20
- Fred Gottshalk spoke about Item C-33
Recognitions and Awards45. Perfect Attendance Awards - Superintendent Van Zant Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant presented a certificate to Allison Hope Fulford, a recent graduate of Middleburg High School, recognizing her perfect attendance Grades K-12.
46. Special Recognition - Retiring Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Toni McCabe Minutes: Mrs. McCabe will retire on June 30, 2015. With this being her last school board meeting, Superintendent Van Zant and Attorney Dan Sikes, presented her with a special flag that was flown over Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom.
Mrs. McCabe retires with a total of 30 years of dedicated service in public education, all of it with the School Board of Clay County.
Presenters47. Garber Ford Check Presentation Minutes: This presentation was postponed.
Scheduled Citizen Requests48. Ilah Breen - Summer School 2016-2017 Minutes: Mrs. Breen spoke about new ideas for summer school, including a later start date.
Discussion AgendaSuperintendent
49. D-1 Superintendent's Update Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant talked about the exciting things going on this summer in our schools such as summer camps and robotics clubs. Clay County is leading robotics in our region. On Monday, June 22nd he will participate in the northeast Florida STEM2 Hub Meeting. Last Friday, the Department of Education released some of our state scores. Clay County showed improvements in 3rd grade reading scores.
School Board Members
50. D-2 Discuss and approve option for legal servicesAttachment: Legal Analysis-Sikes 06-18-15.pdf Minutes: Main motion by Mrs. Condon, seconded by Mrs. Gilhousen, to move the item to the Board floor for discussion.
Board discussion followed with Board members giving their input and views. No consensus was reached and it was suggested that the Board hold a workshop for further discussion to coincide with one of the July budget meetings.
Motions: | Table Item | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Ashley Gilhousen | Second: Elizabeth Condon | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
51. D-3 Authorize advertisement of legal services Minutes: No action was taken due to the previous item being Tabled.
52. D-4 Authorization to continue current legal services until the Board takes further action Attachment: SIKES - Letter of Engagement 07-01-2015.pdf
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Nay | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Nay |
Human Resources
53. C-4 Human Resources Personnel Consent Agenda (Pulled by Mrs. Kerekes)Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 6-18-15.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes pulled this item to express dismay with how the allocations were brought and approved at the Special Meeting on June 8th.
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Nay | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Nay |
54. C-5 2015-2016 Administrative Salary Schedule Tables (Pulled by Mrs. Studdard)Attachment: 2015-2016 Admin Salary Table 1 Revisions 6 18 2015.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Studdard requested a salary study be conducted of the Administrative Salary Schedule. Human Resources will look into this and bring information back for the Board's consideration, including associated costs.
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Ashley Gilhousen | Second: Elizabeth Condon | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Nay | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
55. D-5 Human Resources - Special Action AAttachment: HR Special Action A 6 18 2015.pdf (Confidential Item)
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Elizabeth Condon | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Business Affairs
56. D-6 Public Hearing to approve School Board Policy 5.02G, Business Affairs, Electronic Funds Transfers PolicyAttachment: 5-21-15 Policy 5.02G Electronic Funds Transfers Policy.pdf Minutes: Chairman McKinnon opened the Public Hearing. No one came forward to speak to the item and so the Public Hearing was closed.
Motions: | Approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Support Services
57. C-35 Synovia Solutions for GPS-Enabled Payroll and Fleet Management Software Contract (Pulled by Mrs. Kerekes)Attachment: Synovia Solutions Contract 6.18.15.pdf Minutes: The following Speakers from the Audience spoke in opposition of this item:
- Keith Nichols
- Rebecca Smith
- Kim Stacy
- Lawanna Weidenaar
- Tracy Butler
Following Board discussion, the Chairman called for a motion on the item. No motion was forthcoming so the item died and no action was taken.
Presentations from the Audience58. Speakers Minutes: Keith Nichols - presented information he believes should be added to the district's website.
Superintendent's Requests59. Comments Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant announced previously scheduled board meeting dates for the month of July:
- July 16 Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
- July 21 Special Meeting, 5:00 p.m.
- July 28 Special Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
The July 21 and July 28 meetings are part of the budget process and required by TRIM guidelines. There was discussion about the requests for Board workshops. A budget workshop will be added prior to the July 21st meeting, and a workshop for continued discussion on legal services will be added prior to the July 28th meeting. Both workshops will begin at 5:00 p.m., and then the Board will move into the special meetings.
School Board's Requests60. Comments Minutes: Board members made comments about various topics.
Mr. Waremburg was asked to bring a cost estimate for air conditioning on school buses.
Board members were reminded to cast their vote for the election of Alternate to serve on the FSBA Board of Directors.
Attorney's Requests61. Comments Minutes: Mr. Sikes made clarifying comments regarding the legal opinions for board meeting advertisements.
Adjournment (9:15 p.m.)62. Closed Executive Session Minutes: The Closed Executive Session was not held.